Congratulations Kilimanjaro Fund Raising Team!

Congratulations Kilimanjaro Fund Raising Team!

Well done, to the Kilimanjaro Team on such a huge achievement.

We are so proud of Holly King for raising over 5,000 so far, please keep those donations flowing for the John King Brain Tumour Foundation.

We are a registered charity supporting the Atkinson Morley Wing of St George’s Hospital to treat brain diseases and disorders. With your support, we are fundraising for surgical equipment and research not currently funded by the NHS and also the McKissock Ward roof garden which the foundation maintains.

In February 2019, our fundraising activities enabled us to purchase a £150,000 state-of-the-art Zeiss Pentero 900 surgical microscope, currently not available through NHS funding. The new Microscope enables surgeons to see further into the brain and thus be able to remove more of the tumour during surgery. Not only will this increase patients’ life spans but also help Tim Jones, the consultant neuro-surgeon at St. Georges, to provide training to his team.  The new equipment has a “teaching arm” which allows others to watch the surgery and learn during live operations. The new microscope will be used approximately 1,200 times a year in theatre.

Thank you for your continued support.

Laura xx