Acetaia Bonini

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Bonini Black came about almost by chance, as many great inventions do. This kind of serendipity, which now carries the name of Fabio Massimo Bonini, came into being just a stone’s throw from Modena, where the veteran actor and owner was born.

After many years of tasting, the first version of Bonini Black came into being, a high-quality culinary experiment, the work of Fabio, and a group of close friends who had one goal: excellence. Not being able to count on its own historical production, Bonini Black was perfected following detailed research, tasting the production of several barrels all around the county. Thus was born a production of modest dimensions, but of extremely high quality. Testament to this are Bonini Black’s first illustrious clients: Sergio Mei, Heinz Beck, Ettore Bocchia and many others, who will serve as an important incentive never to let our standards drop.