Emma Rodgers Sculpted “Ovation Hands”

Emma Rodgers Sculpted “Ovation Hands”

Emma Rodgers Sculpted “Ovation Hands” – In support of “The John King Brain Tumour Foundation,” Emma Rodgers has created a special tree sculpture that is dedicated to the John King Brain Tumour Foundation which has found a fitting home in a memorial garden.

“Hand-sculpted and fabricated from stainless steel, the foliage – which at a distance looks like leaves – is in fact represented by hands that are clapping applause in praise, love, and appreciation of the team at St. George’s and the incredible NHS. The tree symbolises life and renewal, hope and love which I hope all patients feel during their care at St. George’s.”

This is your opportunity to sponsor your own pair of hands which will form part of this amazing piece of art, containing your personal engraved dedication. In addition, you can have your personal framed copy to have in your home, office, or as a gift.

Here is a full description of this priceless sculpture opportunity in the words of Emma Rodgers:

“The sculpture is based on an English Oak, the Monarch of the forest, and one of the most loved trees in the world. It’s a symbol of strength, wisdom, nurturing, and healing – only fitting to celebrate the life of John King, the adored husband of Laura.

The foliage is represented by hands clapping applause in praise, love, and appreciation of the team here at Atkinson Morley Wing, St. George’s and the incredible NHS. I think the tree describes life and nature simply but beautifully – growth, renewal, hope, love. These are emotions that I hope all patients feel during their care at St. George’s.

The leaves cut individually, are silhouettes of hands in mid-applause. From afar they appear to be foliage on the tree but on approach you realise they are hands clapping to symbolise our thanks to St. George’s Hospital and the amazing team at the NHS. The applause will grow over time due to hands being added from people donating to the charity – as I wished to create a piece of art which people can be a part of by sponsoring their own pair of hands, applause, a symbol of thanks, praise, and appreciation to the NHS.

Ovation hands are available to purchase online here.